pg. 4
"Given the number of establishments we run and the nature of our business, M&B recognises that its supply chain is complex, and is therefore at risk of modern slavery. To better understand our supply chains and manage our risk, M&B asked STOP THE TRAFFIK to conduct an inherent and actual risk mapping of our supply chains. This process has provided us with an effective tool for understanding the human rights risk within our operations, targeting, and prioritising mitigation activities, and ensuring transparent external reporting."
pg. 7
"We are currently working to implement a new supply chain due diligence process, by implementing a mandatory self-assessment for all our suppliers. This process will be introduced in the upcoming months following our actual supply chain risk-mapping project. The self-assessments will add yet another way that we can work with our suppliers to understand their own mitigation strategies and how M&B might help them grow and improve."