Walk Free+MSA risk assessment+Meta Platforms Inc.+2022+Discussion

The company "identifies potential modern slavery and human trafficking risks in [their] supply chains through mapping of supply chains, conducting desk-based research, using tools to identify high risk work associated with the type of products or services and geographic locations, supplier surveys, and continuous supplier and stakeholder engagement" (page 3). Meta also has its Responsible Supply Chain program that "use[s] a cross-functional consultative process and data-driven methodology to identify and assess a wide range of labor, human rights, and environmental risks which include modern slavery and human trafficking" (page 5). The company also "verify[ies[ supplier conformance with Responsible Supply Chain policies and standards through continuous dialogue, self-assessment questionnaires, independent audits and assessments, corrective action plans, worker surveys, and other forms of assurance" (pages 5 and 6).

Browne.....2023-11-13 22:33:19 UTC