Question: How does the company assess the risks of modern slavery and trafficking in their supply chain?
Risk-based questionnaires,
Use of risk management tool or software,
Conducting desk research including information from third parties/NGO's
Walk Free
MSA risk assessment

Page 9 - Self-assessment questionnaires to gather information about working conditions on a site and about livestock supply chains

Page 11 - Ethical audits are undertaken to assess a site's compliance with the ETI Base Code, founded on the Conventions of the International Labour Organization

Page 17 - When a specific concern is identified, a 'deep dive' assessment is conducted, looking at any tier in the supply chain, focusing policies, processes and workers

Ruby Wong.....2022-12-10 02:25:58 UTC

pg. 10

“Self-assessment questionnaires”

Pg. 11

“Firstly, we undertake risk assessments for each site. For Food and Grocery sites, this includes completion of a se-lf assessment questionnaire (SAQ) on the Sedex platform. For General Merchandise sites we use a risk calculator that we developed with our factory compliance Partners. The calculator takes into account site location, industry and products being manufactured, previous audit grading and ability to close non-conformances, to determine whether a site is low, medium or high risk.” (Risk management Tool)

Pg. 19

“Human Rights Impact Assessments (HRIAs)

Undertaken by experts, HRIAs start with desktop research focusing on corporate policies, industry and country risks to identify the salient issues specific to the business and the supply chain of focus.”

“In 2021, we commissioned Impactt to run a HRIA in our pork and lamb supply chains in collaboration with our supplier and another retailer. Impactt’s HRIA methodology is informed by the Danish Institute for Human Rights’ framework and is designed to identify negative human rights impacts of purchasing practices and business relationships. Research was conducted between October 2021 and early 2022 across the supply chains, from farms to abattoirs and processing sites.” (Desk research)

Manali Rana.....2023-02-01 13:17:31 UTC