Question: How does the company assess the risks of modern slavery and trafficking in their supply chain?
Risk-based questionnaires,
Use of risk management tool or software,
Conducting desk research including information from third parties/NGO's
Walk Free
MSA risk assessment
Verified by Community check_circle

p. 5- 6


"We apply this analysis to different situations and contexts to inform a risk-based approach that helps us prioritise our efforts and adjust actions. Our risk methodology combines: country risk indicators, from sources such as Maplecroft, Global Slavery Index, and the US Department of Labor’s List of Goods made by Forced and Child Labour; sector or process risk; risk indicators relating to business model set-up; and our current understanding of the presence of vulnerable groups within a specific country or region. We involve our colleagues in the process for qualitative input, and engage with external experts and stakeholders. We incorporate learnings from these sources into our analysis, and more in-depth risk assessments on a site level are performed as needed."


p. 10


"The due diligence conducted on potential business partners for the H&M group, prior to entering a business relationship, includes questions and requirements related to forced labour along with other relevant social, environmental, legal and financial aspects."


Hope French.....2022-11-04 20:19:21 UTC