pg. 10
"To further enhance our vendor due diligence in 2021 we will be implementing the Ecovadis Sustainability Ratings Solution to assess the compliance of our supplier base to 21 sustainability measures. This incorporates all leading international standards such as Global Reporting Initiative, UN Global Compact, ISO 26000 and the ILO."
"The bank also completed a review of its Request for Proposal documentation and added new questions to enhance human rights due diligence when selecting new vendors."
pg. 7
"DWS specific policies DWS has various ESG related policies that provide guidance on the integration of ESG information (including violations of international norms and therefore human rights) into its investment processes, engagement, and proxy voting activities.
he norm rating plays an important role in the integration of ESG information. The norm rating is designed to identify violations and checking companies’ and countries’ compliance with the UN Global Compact and other important norms such as the labour standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO) or the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Corporations when evaluating the human rights approach."
pg. 9
"DWS’s Active and Passive portfolio management teams use proprietary ESG software to analyse, assess, and rank corporations, as well as sovereigns, on a wide range of ESG indicators, including their approach to ensuring respect for human rights. Starting in 2020, DWS began placing greater emphasis on water-stress related controversies and their potential impact on societies and communities generally."