Question: How does the company assess the risks of modern slavery and trafficking in their supply chain?
Use of risk management tool or software,
Conducting desk research including information from third parties/NGO's
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MSA risk assessment
Unverified - Added by Community
updated over 2 years ago by Singh Anjali

Page 4 "We have completed risk assessments at all Colgate-Palmolive manufacturing facilities and conducted social compliance audits using the Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) protocol at all manufacturing facilities operating in countries identified as high-risk according to Verisk-Maplecroft global risk indices on labor practices, human rights, worker health & safety and environmental management"

Olivia Catesby.....2020-10-13 14:50:54 UTC

pg. 4

"Our Third Party Business Partners Since the inception of the Supplier Responsible Sourcing Assessment (SRSA) program in 2012, Colgate has assessed more than 75 percent of our spend with direct material suppliers operating in high-risk geographies, including raw material and packaging suppliers, and finished goods contract manufacturers. Beginning in 2015, this program was extended to indirect material suppliers, including select promotional material suppliers as well as co-packing and warehousing operations globally."

Colgate’s SRSA program requires selected suppliers and business partners to complete a selfassessment focused on labor practices, human rights, worker health and safety, environmental management and business integrity. Risk factors considered in the selection of suppliers to participate in the SRSA program include: geographic risks, Colgate’s in-country knowledge, industry-associated risks and criticality to our operations. Through the use of a supplier risk assessment scorecard, selected suppliers and business partners are scored against critical risk factors to determine the need to conduct a compliance audit. When a supplier is assessed as high risk, a third-party audit of their facility is required.

As a member of the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange, or Sedex, Colgate employs the SMETA audit protocol to assess suppliers’ compliance with laws including: employment freely chosen, regular employment, harsh or inhumane treatment, entitlement to work and immigration, freedom of association, child labor, health and safety, wages and benefits, working hours and discrimination as well as environmental and business ethics matters."

Singh Anjali.....2022-03-23 13:12:18 UTC