Question: How does the company assess the risks of modern slavery and trafficking in their supply chain?
Use of risk management tool or software,
Conducting desk research including information from third parties/NGO's
Walk Free
MSA risk assessment

pg. 5

"Risk Assessment and Due Diligence Suppliers Barclays is committed to understanding and addressing the modern slavery risks that we may be linked to through our supplier relationships. We assess our supply chain for modern slavery risks, considering factors such as country risk, sector & category risk, spend, and likelihood of modern slavery, utilising data and analysis from expert organisations such as the International Labour Organisation, Global Slavery Index and Maplecroft to inform this. Through this risk assessment we have identified the following areas as presenting an elevated risk of modern slavery in our supply chain, which are designated as priority focus areas for our future supply chain due diligence:

 Facilities management services provided on our properties, including cleaning and catering.

 Construction of our properties, and related construction services.

 Manufacture of ICT equipment used in our offices and retail branches.

 Manufacture of corporate uniforms and other branded items used by our staff."

pg. 6

"If suppliers provide services that meet our definition of health and safety, which covers modern slavery focus areas such as facilities management, catering and construction, additional due diligence is undertaken using the SEDEX platform. Any concerns identified through SEDEX are investigated, discussed with the supplier and additional action determined which could include choosing to exit the supplier. Barclays define health and safety as;  Suppliers who undertake physical tasks/activities on Barclays’ premises, which has the potential to cause, harm either to themselves and/or to others  Suppliers where Barclays’ employees will attend the supplier premises to access the services which have the potential to cause harm to either themselves or others  Any suppliers involved in construction or installation related activities"

Singh Anjali.....2021-09-28 14:16:58 UTC