"This includes our robust assessment processes, risk mapping, and participation in industry level, third-party assessments. We also leverage predictive analytics, years of audit data, reports and guidance from internal and external experts, and feedback from third-party hotlines, surveys, and supplier employees to identify potential issues. By focusing on suppliers that cover the largest portion of our direct manufacturing spend, as well as those that are higher-risk, as identified by the activities mentioned above, we are maximizing the impact of our risk identification and prevention efforts" - page 9
Conducting Research - "We have been mapping and managing salient human rights risks in our supply chain for many years, and we continue to work with third parties, such as The Remedy Project, to deepen our understanding of how Appleās management policies and practices align with the UNGPs, particularly related to identifying, preventing, mitigating, and remediating human rights risks and impacts. The findings from these engagements help guide continued improvements to our policies and human rights due diligence processes" - page 9
Risk-based questionnaires - "We directly engage with rights-holders through anonymous interviews, workplace satisfaction surveys, and the grievance channels we and our suppliers maintain. We recently established a new requirement in our Code whereby our suppliers must implement systems to collect feedback from and identify the needs of their employees, including in relation to wages and benefits, workplace conditions, healthcare, employee relations, living conditions, health and safety, the environment, and education and training. Suppliers are also required to take appropriate action to respond to employee feedback and communicate regularly on the progress of actions taken." - page 12
On page 25 (PDF): "There is a specific parr on "Disclosures on Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking and Slavery": These disclosures are specialized fillings that focus specially on our efforts to prevent, and address forced labor risks throughout our supply chain. They include our due diligence process for our entire business, including manufacturing, materials and goods sourcing, and services. These reports also demonstrate our alignment with the UNGPs and meet regulatory requirements in Australia, California, Canada, Norway, and the United Kingdom."