Question: How does the company assess the risks of modern slavery and trafficking in their supply chain?
Walk Free
MSA risk assessment

pg. 6

"Supply Chain Due Diligence

We have assessed the potential risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in our direct supply chain and have conducted an initial assessment of those suppliers considered to be at the highest risk. This assessment focused on our office services suppliers to the London office which includes general office supplies, catering and cleaning services. We focused on those suppliers where Apax had a significant contract in a calendar year. This assessment is ongoing and we will continue to confirm that these suppliers have taken steps to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking within their organisation and also their own supply chain.

Additional due diligence will be carried out on suppliers considered to be lower risk, including professional services firms providing legal and financial advice, to ensure they have processes in place to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in their organisation."

Singh Anjali.....2022-03-01 06:10:34 UTC

There is no mention of any risk assessment methodology.

Manali Rana.....2023-05-14 17:48:39 UTC