
Page 7 on "To gain insight into potential supply chain risks and opportunities and to enhance our engagement with suppliers, we entered into a professional partnership with EcoVadis in 2022. EcoVadis is a trusted provider of business sustainability ratings. Serving a global network of more than 100,000 rated companies, it is considered one of the world’s largest providers of such ratings. The EcoVadis sustainability assessment provides an evaluation of how well a company has integrated the principles of sustainability and corporate social responsibility (“CSR”) into their business and management process"

[[Muhammad Muakhkhir Putra]].....2024-01-25 02:18:02 UTC


"Akamai conducts due diligence on its channel partners and resellers to help ensure that parties that work with us or on our behalf, conduct business in a manner that is consistent with our Code of Ethics, Human Rights Policy and Supplier & Partner Guiding Principles. Our diligence program includes:
● undertaking due diligence procedures on prospective and existing partners/resellers;
● putting approved partners/resellers on notice of our expectations and Code of Ethics;
● conducting periodic compliance reviews, using a risk-based approach; and
● encouraging the reporting of ethical concerns."
"Next Steps

End of 2022 Akamai developed a training module on modern slavery to raise awareness on what are the various forms of modern slavery, provide the tools to identify it, and how to report suspected modern slavery violations. This training module has been rolled out in early 2023 and it is available to all employees, being mandatory to those employees who are involved in the procurement of goods and services from our suppliers, which are the groups that most likely could come across any modern slavery issues. During this year we will be closely monitoring completion of the training by this group.

[[Pooja Yadav]].....2024-04-10 10:23:32 UTC