Question: How does the company assess the risks of modern slavery and trafficking in their supply chain?
Risk-based questionnaires,
Conducting desk research including information from third parties/NGO's
Walk Free
MSA risk assessment
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(p. 4): "AMD requires al Manufacturing Suppliers to complete the RBA Corporate Self-Assessment Questionnaire (CorporateSAQ) and Facility Self-Assessment Questionnaire (Facility SAQ) [...]."


(p. 4): "The RBA risk assessment tools account for factory location, product type and country risk, providing AMD with insight into the inherent risks in our supply chain."


(p. 4): "AMD also uses research reports, including the RLI Labor Migration Corridor Database, which provides data on high-risk migration corridors and average employment fees and publications by NGOs and academics."

Thewodros Tesfaye.....2024-03-10 15:48:05 UTC

Pg 4: "As of 2023, AMD conducts a social and environmental risk assessment on potential new Manufacturing Suppliers as part of the qualification process."


"AMD requires all Manufacturing Suppliers to complete the RBA Corporate Self-Assessment Questionnaire (Corporate SAQ) and Facility Self-Assessment Questionnaire (Facility SAQ) which serve as an additional input to the risk analysis. Results of the SAQ combined with the inherent risk score produce an overall risk score, which influences AMD approach to supplier engagement, The Facility SAQ is an important tool that helps AMD monitors for the risk of forced labour."

Carla Fitzgerald.....2024-03-27 12:50:19 UTC