Question: How does the company assess the risks of modern slavery and trafficking in their supply chain?
Use of risk management tool or software,
Conducting desk research including information from third parties/NGO's
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MSA risk assessment
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"We take our responsibilities seriously and have a modern slavery working group with cross-business representatives from procurement, legal, sustainability, risk, compliance, responsible investment, stewardship and human resources who ensure we continuously review and improve our approach. Bill Rattray, Chief Financial Officer, is our executive sponsor."

"We assess modern slavery risk as part of our on-going assessment of a company’s approach to ensuring respect for human rights"

"We are aware that heightened modern slavery and human trafficking risk exists in relation to certain territories, and in relation to the production of certain goods and supplies. Therefore we incorporate these considerations when assessing the risk of modern slavery during our procurement process. We have adopted a materiality approach by trying to understand where the risks of modern slavery are greatest and prioritising our activity accordingly. We are working to further strengthen our process for supplier due diligence and will use this to emphasise our focus on modern slavery."

Pranav Agarwal.....2019-10-22 00:24:21 UTC