Page 5: "The process of assessing modern slavery risks is being approached in stages. The first step being current supplier audits and potential supplier evaluations, future steps include identifying countries which may have a higher risk profile and addressing supply issues related to these countries."
Page 6: "The Supplier Assessment Questionnaire includes questions relating to modern slavery and conflict minerals and is used to assess new companies entering the Ampcontrol supply chain. This information is reviewed, and a determination is made as to whether the supplier will be engaged."
"A few of the specific issues which Ampcontrol have taken action to address in their supply chain are conflict minerals, issues relating to identification documentation, use of forced labour, and child labour. These enquiries are made via the Supplier Assessment Questionnaire and a desktop audit and interviews to identify the supplier’s management process and controls."
"Assessing Current Suppliers"
"To ensure that modern slavery is a consideration in the procurement process, tools such as the Procurement Supplier Purchasing and Inventory Management Business Standard have been updated. This Business Standard includes requirements relating to ethical behaviour, sustainability, modern slavery and social responsibility."
"Assessment of modern slavery risk forms part of the annual or bi-annual supplier audit process. To facilitate this the Supplier Quality Risk Matrix includes Modern Slavery in the Supply Risk Calculation Matrix."