Question: How does the company assess the risks of modern slavery and trafficking in their supply chain?
Risk-based questionnaires,
Conducting desk research including information from third parties/NGO's
Walk Free
MSA risk assessment
Verified by Steward check_circle

pg. 2

“ABB has in place a range of policies and processes aimed at preventing child or forced labor within our operations and our value chain. These include the ABB Code of Conduct, the ABB Supplier Code of Conduct, the ABB Policy Combating Trafficking in Persons, the ABB Policy on Conflict Minerals, our Human Rights policy and statement, our Social policy, our supply chain and contractor questionnaires, as well as internal policies and guidelines.”

Pg. 3

“We also continued our program for conducting human rights self-assessments at selected ABB sites. This program was piloted in 2021, with 50 sites in 26 countries undertaking the assessment. Following a review of the pilot, the program was revised and improved before being systematically promoted and implemented across all of ABB’s business areas. In total, 58 sites in 25 countries undertook the assessments in 2022. The program will continue in 2023.”

“In 2022, we also undertook a high-level human rights risk assessment and a review of our human rights due diligence (HRDD) framework to identify key gaps and potential measures for improvement. The reviews were conducted at the Group level and involved a range of internal stakeholders and subject-matter experts, as well as desktop research. The reviews were facilitated by external human rights experts and conducted according to the requirements of the OECD Guidelines and UNGPs.”

“Main actions for 2023 include:

• Conducting gap and risk assessments at business level to define business-specific actions and appropriate governance systems;

• Refining the Group-wide human rights risk management system and human rights roadmap to ensure appropriate risk-based measures are in place and regular risk assessments are conducted.”

Manali Rana.....2023-05-10 10:33:18 UTC

Pg. 4

“Under SSBM, new suppliers registering with ABB must review and acknowledge ABB’s SCoC. In addition, to qualify for consideration, suppliers must complete a self-assessment that incorporates questions on how suppliers manage issues such as labor and human rights, the environment, health and safety, and integrity, as well as management of their own supply chains.”

Manali Rana.....2023-05-10 10:37:17 UTC

Removed "in development" as there is nothing to indicate an additional type of risk assessment is in progress (i.e. use of risk management tool or software)

theresah.....2023-05-30 09:11:14 UTC