Walk Free+MSA policy (revised)+Weetabix Limited+2018+Discussion

The company is currently developing their MSA policy. They have already introduced anti-slavery clauses into their supplier contracts but their other policies are in development.

"To further our organisation’s commitment to combating slavery and trafficking, we are taking steps to implement the following new policies, which set out our zero tolerance approach to modern slavery both within our own operations and our supply chain:

1. We have in place a Responsible Sourcing Policy which applies to all our operations and those in our supply chain. We are amending our Responsible Sourcing Policy to make specific reference to our zero-tolerance stance on modern slavery.

2. We have prepared and will be including in the future appropriate guidance to our employees through the introduction of our internal Anti-Slavery Policy, which applies to all those working for us or on our behalf.

3. We are reviewing the steps we will take when engaging with new vendors, contractors and business partners to ensure that they are aware of and will adhere to our Responsible Sourcing Policy and to assess the likelihood of slavery or trafficking existing in those organisations and what measures are already in place to combat those risks.

4. We have reviewed our existing policies and are making amendments to recognise our obligations under the Act including our Whistleblowing Policy.

5. We have introduced Anti-Slavery Clauses to our supplier contracts."

Aileen Robinson.....2018-05-17 09:36:12 UTC