
"In association with its legal advisors, TECA has created a process for assessing the risk posed by its suppliers in relation to Modern Slavery practices in its operations and supply chains (Risk Assessment).
This process involves:
a. Generating and reviewing TECA's list of suppliers.
b. Conducting and initial risk assessment of TECA's suppliers on factors including location and operation, and the nature of the industry in which they provide goods and/or services.
c. Screening TECA's suppliers through the World-Check record, which is a data base run by Refinitiv..
d. Analysing all available supplier data and determining specific supplier risk." (Page 2).
"All TE entities are required to adhere to TE's policies, including the:
a. TE Connectivity Guide Ethical Conduct
b. Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Policy (TEC-01-71)
c. Global Human Rights Policy (TEC-04-37)." (Page 3).
"Also, the TE Connectivity Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Policy:
a. Prohibits human trafficking and sets out TE's commitment to a work environment and supply chain that is free from human trafficking and slavery, which expressly includes forced labour and unlawful child labour.
b. prohibits numerous practices connected with human trafficking.
c. Stipulates that TE will develop and deploy appropriate training, including annual training to employees and third-party contractor personnel who have direct responsibility for the Company's operations and supply chain management. At the date of this report, this is still in progress.
d. Provides that any personnel who violate the policy may be subject to appropriate disciplinary and/or corrective action up to and including termination of employment or contract.
e. Stipulates that TE will communicate the principles and requirements set forth in the policy to suppliers, subcontractors and agents." (Page 4).
"As part of TE's Declaration of Principles for compliance with the German Supply Chain Act, TE has appointed a Human Rights Officer whose responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
a. Risk assessment
b. Prevention of violations
c. The oversight and implementation of grievance mechanism
d. Remediation measures
e. Review and improvement of our measures with respect to human rights obligations." (Page 4).
"TE requires its suppliers to conduct and support necessary supply chain mapping initiatives, including but not limited to efforts sufficient to meet 'clear and convincing' documentation standards that demonstrate 'Supply Chain Mapping Evidence' which comprises:
a. The identity and location of suppliers' subcontractor and suppliers
b. The origin of its products and any component and raw materials in its products.
Supply Chain Mapping Evidence must meet the standards set by the United States Department of Homeland Security. TE is actively working to comply with this." (Page 5).
"The TE Connectivity Guide to Supplier Social Responsibility (Supplier Policy) was updated in December 2022 to incorporate TE's expectations for its suppliers with respect to business conduct, decision making, and business interaction. It outlines key principles and behaviours, based on TE's Core Values (set out in the Ethical Conduct Guide), and emphasises the principles and behaviours required of suppliers. It addresses TE's labour and human rights expectations as follows:
a. Freely chosen employment
b. Prohibitions on child labour
c. Working hours
d. Wages and benefits
e. Human treatment
f. Non-discrimination
g. Freedom of association
h. Metals materials/ suppliers from Conflict-Free Mines
i. Environmental impact on local people
j. Unlawful eviction of land
k. Prohibits violent security forces." (Page 5).
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