2020 | Myer Holdings Ltd | MSA policy (revised)
Does the company’s statement detail one or more specific, organisational policies or actions to combat slavery in their direct (tier 1) and/or in-direct (beyond tier 1) supply chain?
Suppliers comply with laws and company’s policies (direct / tier 1),
Prohibit use of forced labour (direct / tier 1),
Code of conduct or supplier code includes clauses on slavery and human trafficking (direct / tier 1),
Contracts include clauses on forced labour (direct / tier 1),
Prohibit use of child labour (direct / tier 1),
Suppliers respect labour rights (wages / freedom of association etc) (direct / tier 1)
updated over 2 years ago by Katharine Bryant

This report states that it focuses specifically on direct tier 1.

Erica R Frost.....2021-11-08 18:18:01 UTC

Pg. 1

"Myer supports and respects the rights and freedom of workers and prohibits modern slavery or modern slavery like practices in its operations and supply chain". (Prohibits forced labour (direct/ tier 1) AND Suppliers respect labour rights (wages, freedom of association etc) (direct/ Tier 1)

Katharine Bryant.....2021-12-17 11:27:02 UTC

Pg 2

"Activities 2020: Strengthen supplier contracts with additional clauses on compliance with Modern Slavery Act" (Contracts include clauses on forced labour (direct/ Tier 1)

Katharine Bryant.....2021-12-17 11:28:20 UTC

Pg 7

"Our expectations of suppliers’ management of ethical sourcing, which includes modern slavery, human rights and workplace conditions, forms part of our contractual relationship. A reminder communication reinforcing our requirements under the Myer Ethical Sourcing Policy was distributed to all private brand suppliers, brand partners and service providers such as cleaning, transportation, procurement, facilities and security. Suppliers were reminded of their responsibility to ensure that workplace practices remain ethical, to ensure they have processes in place to identify and prevent potential modern slavery risks and impacts, to develop corrective actions to eliminate or mitigate these risks within their supply chain, and to ensure both the supplier and workers are aware of our whistleblower program" (Suppliers comply with laws and company's policies (direct/ tier 1) AND suppliers respect labour rights (direct / tier 1)

Katharine Bryant.....2021-12-17 11:30:11 UTC

Pg 7


Our Ethical Sourcing Policy provides the overarching framework for which the protection of human rights within our supply chain is founded. The policy is based on the internationally recognised standards outlined by the Ethical Trade Initiative (ETI), and explains a variety of key labour indicators such as wages and benefits, working hours and discrimination, and further outlines our zero tolerance stance on forced and child labour, bribery, as well as requiring suppliers to consider and minimise impacts on the environment. The policy continues to be communicated to both merchandise and service suppliers and stakeholders to ensure expectations are met. Together with the Ethical Sourcing Policy, we have a strong suite of supporting policies and procedures that articulate our values, ways of working and expectations of our team and suppliers. These policies include the Code of Conduct, Procurement Policy, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, Team Member Complaints Standard and Whistleblower Policy. Further, supplier contracts for both merchandise and procurement suppliers have been strengthened by embedding modern slavery specific provisions to the contract precedents. Similarly, our trading term agreement reinforces requirements for suppliers to adhere to Myer’s Ethical Sourcing Policy. To date, all new active suppliers have agreed to Myer’s Ethical Sourcing Policy."

(suppliers comply with laws and company policies (direct/ tier 1), Prohibit forced labour (direct/ tier 1), Prohibit child labour (direct/ tier 1), code of conduct includes clauses on slavery and human trafficking (direct / tier 1), Contracts include clauses on forced labour (direct/tier 1), supplier respect labour rights (direct / tier 1))

Katharine Bryant.....2021-12-17 11:33:07 UTC