Question: Does the company’s statement detail one or more specific, organisational policies or actions to combat slavery in their direct (tier 1) and/or in-direct (beyond tier 1) supply chain?
Suppliers comply with laws and company’s policies (direct / tier 1),
Prohibit use of forced labour (direct / tier 1),
Code of conduct or supplier code includes clauses on slavery and human trafficking (direct / tier 1),
Suppliers respect labour rights (wages / freedom of association etc) (direct / tier 1)
Walk Free
MSA policy (revised)
Unverified - Added by Community

"We are committed to achieving the highest standards of quality and

integrity in all our business operations, and we expect suppliers doing

business with Facebook and our affiliates to share this commitment.

Facebook requires that our personnel are trained on and comply with

the Facebook Code of Conduct, which affirms our commitment to

human rights and prohibits violations of law, including labor and

employment laws. More specifically, Facebook does not tolerate any

harassment or mistreatment by or of workers in the workplace or in a

work-related situation and is committed to protect anyone raising

such a concern from retaliation. Our personnel plays an important

and integral part in our effort to support better working conditions

and prohibiting modern slavery and human trafficking across

Facebook and Facebook supply chains.

Facebook requires that priority suppliers, which are identified using

a risk-based methodology, conform with all of the standards on

labor, health and safety, the environment, business ethics, and the

establishment of management systems in accordance with the

Responsible Business Alliance (“RBA”) Code of Conduct. The RBA

Code of Conduct explicitly prohibits modern slavery and human

trafficking and includes standards related to indicators of modern

slavery and human trafficking such as freely chosen employment,

young workers, working hours, wages and benefits, humane

treatment, non-discrimination/non-harassment, and freedom of

association. Further, the RBA Trafficked and Forced Labor -

Definition of Fees sets expectations on responsible recruitment and

employment practices. We communicate requirements and

implementation expectations to priority suppliers through inperson and virtual meetings, supplier business reviews, and supplier

online portals. Facebook requires priority suppliers to hold their

suppliers and subcontractors to the same standards in the RBA

Code of Conduct" PG. 3

Harjas.....2022-11-15 03:25:59 UTC

Meta requires that priority suppliers, which are identified using a risk-based

methodology, conform with all of the standards on labor, health and safety,

the environment, business ethics, and the establishment of management

systems in accordance with the Responsible Business Alliance (“RBA”) Code

of Conduct. The RBA Code of Conduct explicitly prohibits modern slavery

and human trafficking and includes standards related to indicators of

modern slavery and human trafficking such as freely chosen employment,

young workers, working hours, wages and benefits, humane treatment,

non-discrimination, non-harassment, and freedom of association.


Meta requires priority suppliers to hold their suppliers and subcontractors to the

same standards in the RBA Code of Conduct. In 2021, we extended the

application of the RBA Code of Conduct to all data center general

contractors. All data center general contractors are required to include the RBA Code of Conduct in master construction agreements and implement

anonymous reporting channels. p. 3

Brittany Quy.....2023-03-01 09:36:44 UTC