
It does not explicitly state the prohibition of child labor.
pg. 3
"As a company committed to advancing respect for human rights, we have prioritized action on forced labor and hazardous child labor as salient issues."
pg. 7
"In 2015, we identified forced labor and child labor as the human rights issues that may pose the most severe risk to people in our supply chains"
pg. 19
It states of UNSD goal to eliminate child labor and not companies commitment.
"Alliance 8.7 encourages businesses and other stakeholders to act on United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 8.7 to eliminate forced labor and the worst forms of child labor."
pg. 5
"We share our Supplier Code of Conduct with our suppliers as a condition of doing business with us, and we expect suppliers to engage in the aspects of our Next Generation Supplier program relevant to them as we continue to roll out this initiative."
"The Code prohibits the use of all forms of forced labor, including any form of prison, trafficked, indentured or bonded labor."
"Our policies include a focus on the elimination of forced labor as a critical component of our overall human rights approach."
It does not explicitly state the protection of migrant labor.
"Migrant workers, women and children are particularly vulnerable to human rights risks."
With IHRB, it shows its commitment to eradicate recruitment fees.
pg. 19
"In 2017, we joined IHRB’s Leadership Group on Responsible Recruitment, underscoring our commitment to this critical topic and recognizing that recruitment fees paid by migrant workers are a key contributor to forced labor. Through our participation in this group, we’re joining collective action toward the vision of eradicating worker fees over the next ten years."
[[Manali Rana]].....2022-05-09 06:16:08 UTC

We continue to focus on improving the practices of labor and service
providers, including in regions with high rates of foreign migrant
workers. In key countries with known forced labor risks associated with
labor sourcing, we are updating contractual terms with labor providers
with additional controls for recruitment costs, access to personal
documents and other foundational elements of our Supplier Code of
[[Gabby]].....2022-06-28 01:38:07 UTC