Question: Does the company’s statement detail one or more specific, organisational policies or actions to combat slavery in their direct (tier 1) and/or in-direct (beyond tier 1) supply chain?
Suppliers comply with laws and company’s policies (beyond tier 1),
Prohibit use of forced labour (direct / tier 1),
Code of conduct or supplier code includes clauses on slavery and human trafficking (beyond tier 1),
Contracts include clauses on forced labour (direct / tier 1),
Prohibit use of child labour (direct / tier 1),
Suppliers respect labour rights (wages / freedom of association etc) (direct / tier 1)
Walk Free
MSA policy (revised)
Verified by Steward check_circle

"Luxottica produces the vast majority of its products at facilities that it owns and where it controls hiring and employment practices. The Codes require that all associated with Luxottica behave ethically and within the bounds of the law, respect the rights of people’s dignity, health and safety, and denounce the use of child labour. Luxottica promotes the safeguarding of workers’ rights, trade union freedom and freedom of association in general."


"As part of our initiative to combat the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking within our supply chains, and in addition to the principles set out in our Code of Ethics concerning our relationships with suppliers, we have conducted an analysis of the UK business’ suppliers to identify, taking account of relevant factors, those for which we wish to make specific enquiries regarding their own MSA compliance, practices and policies. A MSA questionnaire has been designed for this purpose with a view to distributing this initially to specific existing supply partners identified and in due course, with further development, to more of our future supply partners as part of our customary procurement process. To the extent that risk areas are identified, Luxottica is committed to taking appropriate steps to investigate further to combat and eliminate the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking taking place within our supply chains.


As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk we have also reviewed and updated our UK based recruitment policies, contracts of employment and associated employment policies and handbooks to ensure these reflect current applicable laws.


We have in place policies to:


Identify and assess potential risk areas in our supply chains.

Mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our supply chains.

Monitor potential risk areas in our supply chains.

Promote and support equal opportunities

Protect whistleblowers."

Anna Hollis.....2017-10-17 16:38:07 UTC