Walk Free+MSA policy (revised)+KLA Corporation+2023+Discussion


"The KLA Global Human Rights Standards set out KLA’s commitments to worker wellbeing, and reflect our commitment to respecting international human rights standards, particularly the rights of people in vulnerable communities (women, children, and migrant workers) as defined by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. They apply to the KLA Corporation and its subsidiary and affiliated entities worldwide (“KLA”) and to KLA suppliers and partners, as well as their next tier suppliers. Additional requirements are found in our Standards of Business Conduct and other human resource policies and procedures."



"the industry best practices for major electronics companies, its customers, and suppliers as defined and adopted by the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) which can be found at www.responsiblebusiness.org. By adopting the RBA Code, we set standards and expectations for labor, health and safety, environment, ethics, and management systems that are consistent across the electronics industry supply chain. The Code prohibits the use of forced labor and requires suppliers to flow down these requirements to next-tier suppliers and within their supply chains."



"Contractual Supplier Requirements"

"Purchase Order Terms and Conditions: As a condition of doing business and as a means of self- certification, our purchase order standard terms and conditions stipulate that “Seller represents and warrants that it complies with all applicable laws and regulations, including eradication of forced, bonded, indentured, involuntary convict or compulsory labor, as well as illegal child labor in its facilities, and requires their suppliers, including labor agencies, to do the same. Seller warrants that its supply chain and materials incorporated into its products comply with the laws prohibiting slavery and human trafficking. Seller agrees to adopt sound human rights practices, to treat workers fairly and with dignity and respect, provide a safe and healthy work environment for their workers, conduct business in compliance with applicable environmental and employment laws, and refrain from corrupt practices.”

"Additionally, key KLA suppliers sign KLA’s standard purchase agreement that specifically states that the supplier “represents and warrants that it complies with all applicable laws and regulations, including eradication of forced, bonded, indentured, involuntary convict or compulsory labor, as well as illegal child labor in its facilities, and requires their suppliers, including labor agencies, to do the same. Seller warrants that its supply chain and materials incorporated into its products comply with the laws prohibiting slavery and human trafficking,” and the supplier “agrees to adopt sound human rights practices, to treat workers fairly and with dignity and respect, provide a safe and healthy work environment for their workers, conduct business in compliance with applicable environmental and employment laws, and refrain from corrupt practices.” Furthermore, it also stipulates that a supplier “shall comply with all applicable laws regarding non-discrimination in terms and conditions of employment, payment of minimum wage and legally mandated employee benefits, and compliance with mandated work hours. Seller shall comply with all applicable laws regarding employment of underage or child labor and shall not employ children under the age of 16.”

Manali Rana.....2024-03-12 07:08:10 UTC