Question: Does the company’s statement detail one or more specific, organisational policies or actions to combat slavery in their direct (tier 1) and/or in-direct (beyond tier 1) supply chain?
Suppliers comply with laws and company’s policies (direct / tier 1),
Prohibit use of forced labour (direct / tier 1),
Code of conduct or supplier code includes clauses on slavery and human trafficking (direct / tier 1),
Contracts include clauses on forced labour (direct / tier 1),
Suppliers produce their own statement (direct / tier 1),
Prohibit use of child labour (direct / tier 1)
Walk Free
MSA policy (revised)
Verified by Community check_circle

Since, the Supplier Code of Conduct is part of the Supplier Agreement and the Supplier Code of Conduct covers forced labor. We have considered that the supplier agreement also contains a forced labor clause.

Pg. 2

“Ecotone have a policy in place to manage the risks of forced and child labour in our own operations and supply chains. In line with the Ethical Trading Initiative’s Base Code, our Ecotone Supplier Code of Conduct states that suppliers must not use forced labour, involuntary prison labour or bonded labour and must not restrict workers’ ability to leave a facility. The code states that children younger than 15 must not be employed and that any child found to be in a situation of forced labour must be supported and rehabilitated.”

Pg. 3

“Ecotone maintains an approved supplier list and requires all its suppliers to sign up to, and comply with, our Supplier Code of Conduct, which includes a requirement to meet the ILO’s Core Conventions including the Forced Labour convention. Our Code of Conduct forms part of our general purchase conditions and our manufacturing and supply agreements with all suppliers. They are required to confirm that they are working to reduce the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in their businesses and supply chains and, where legally required to do so, to produce a Modern Slavery statement in line with the UK government’s guidance.”

Manali Rana.....2023-02-07 04:51:36 UTC