Walk Free+MSA policy (revised)+Conviviality Plc+2016+Discussion

Pg no -6


Action for procurement/buying/risk teams-

Action to be taken in respect of procurement/buying teams must include (but not be limited to):-1.Mappingthe supply chain -identifying those areas of particular risk and impact(for example country/regional risks as identified by the Walk Free Foundation’s Global Slavery Index) initially concentrating on immediate relationshipsand then making recommendations on areas for improvement in addressing modern slavery and human trafficking hotspots and risks with suppliers;2.Reviewing and improving pre-screening/due diligence processes -these processesshould be reasonable and proportionate, reflecting the severity and likelihood of the risk, the size of the business and its resources, the natureand context of its operations and the capacity to stop harm. Questions could include but are not limited to assessingif the supplier; a.Has a policy on modern slavery and human trafficking;b.Complies with International/National/ Local Labour Laws;c.Followsthe UN Guiding Principles (UNGP) on human rights due diligence? d.Pays workers aminimum wage;ande.Requires payment of a fee to work.The business should then integrate and act upon the findings, tracking responses, and communicating how impacts are addressed;3.Engaging with suppliers -both to convey this Policy

7and to gain an understanding of the measures taken by them to ensure modern slavery and human trafficking is not occurring in their business. This may include auditing by the business and/or self-reporting for suppliers;4.Where appropriate introducing contractual provisions -for suppliers to confirm implementation of and adherence to a policy similar to this Policy including,if required,an ability for the business to terminate arrangements without liability for breach of this protection.5.Establish a pro-forma response to customers who carry out due diligence on/seek comfort from us on the extent to which our business complies with the MSA. This should be limited to confirming our commitment to eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking, that we have a written MSA Policy, provide appropriate training and will issue a compliance statement each year (as described below)

Pawan Kumar Suryawanshi.....2017-09-24 00:28:47 UTC