Question: Does the company’s statement detail one or more specific, organisational policies or actions to combat slavery in their direct (tier 1) and/or in-direct (beyond tier 1) supply chain?
Suppliers comply with laws and company’s policies (beyond tier 1),
Prohibit use of forced labour (beyond tier 1),
Prohibit charging of recruitment fees to employee (beyond tier 1),
Prohibit use of child labour (beyond tier 1),
Suppliers respect labour rights (wages / freedom of association etc) (beyond tier 1)
Walk Free
MSA policy (revised)

Page 2, under "Our Policies".

Olivia Catesby.....2020-10-13 14:42:34 UTC

pg. 1

"Third Party Code of Conduct

Colgate people are committed to the highest standards of integrity and full conformance to the Company’s Code of Conduct. It is our goal to ensure that our relationships with our suppliers and business partners reflect and support the same high ethical standards. Colgate’s Third Party Code of Conduct sets the Company’s expectations for suppliers and business partners in a number of critical areas, including labor practices and universal human rights, protecting the environment, health and safety and ethical dealings.

The Code is provided to suppliers and business partners, and Colgate’s contracts and purchase orders typically require suppliers to abide by the Code’s standards (or suppliers’ comparable code standards), including applicable labor and equal employment laws as well as environmental, occupational health and safety regulations, and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Anti-Bribery Policy. Certain suppliers are also required to acknowledge the Third Party Code’s requirements via our online supplier portal.

It is Colgate’s policy not to work with any supplier or contractor known to utilize inhumane labor practices including exploitation, physical punishment, abuse, involuntary servitude or other forms of mistreatment.

Suppliers are expected to apply the policy across their entire operations. In the event of non-compliance, Colgate will work with suppliers to create an action plan, with reasonable time commitments to meet our requirements. Suppliers who are unable or unwilling to meet our time-bound requirements will be subject to nonrenewal or termination of contracts. Colgate will continue to monitor and verify that our policies are being properly implemented.

Additional Policies

The following additional policies support our commitment to respect human and labor rights.

• Non-Retaliation Policy

• Policy on No Deforestation

• Policy on Responsible and Sustainable Sourcing of Palm Oils

• Policy on Conflict Minerals

• Environmental, Occupational Health & Safety Policy Statement

• Global HIV/AIDS Policy Statement

• FCPA and Anti-Bribery Policy

Human Rights Strategy

In our 2016 Sustainability Report, Colgate introduced our Human Rights Strategy, detailed below.

Freedom of Association: Colgate is committed to respecting employees’ lawful freedom of association and recognizes all legal rights to organize and collectively bargain. Colgate seeks to work with suppliers who promote this standard.

Forced Labor: Colgate does not use forced labor within our own operations. We will strive to eradicate forced labor from our value chains. We believe that every worker should have freedom of movement, no worker should pay for a job and no worker should be indebted or coerced to work. Moreover, it is Colgate’s policy not to work with any supplier or contractor known to operate with forced labor.

Child Labor: Colgate does not use child labor within our own operations. Child labor is defined as employing any person younger than the minimum age in the jurisdiction in question. However, in no event will we knowingly employ anyone younger than sixteen (16) years of age. Moreover, it is Colgate’s policy not to work with any supplier or contractor known to operate with child labor.

Health and Safety: We strive to eliminate potential hazards in the workplace and to comply with all occupational health and safety regulations and our own minimum standards. Colgate respects the health and safety of our workers. Suppliers who do business with Colgate are encouraged to maintain a focus on health and safety that is consistent with ours and must provide a safe and healthy work environment for all employees working at their sites. In addition, any supplier representative providing on-site services in a Colgate facility is required to adhere to both regulations and Colgate safety standards.

Working Hours and Wages: Colgate is committed to paying employees a wage that enables them to meet at least their basic needs and complying with legally mandated work hours in accordance with local laws. Colgate expects our suppliers to comply with legally mandated wage and overtime compensation and working hour requirements in accordance with local law.

Harassment: We prohibit sexual or any other kind of harassment of Colgate people by any person in the workplace or while conducting company business.

Land Rights: Colgate respects the legal or customary land-tenure and use rights of indigenous and local communities, as well as their rights to give or withhold their free, prior and informed consent for operations affecting their land or natural resources. Colgate seeks to work with suppliers who promote this standard.

Diversity and Inclusion: Colgate strives to ensure our organization reflects the diversity of our consumers. We are committed to providing equal opportunity for all employees at all levels regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, citizenship, ethnicity, age, disability, marital status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other characteristic protected by law in the terms or conditions of employment. This includes but is not limited to, recruitment, hiring, promotion, transfer, compensation, training, demotion or layoff. Colgate seeks to work with suppliers who promote this standard."

Singh Anjali.....2022-03-23 13:01:48 UTC