Question: Does the company’s statement detail policies to combat slavery in their supply chain?
Tier 1
Walk Free

The Statement states this under the relationships with suppliers category, see:



JLR actively manages its relationships with its Tier 1 suppliers. There are clear contractual arrangements in place with all direct suppliers, who are required to sign up to JLR’s Global Terms & Conditions (Global T&Cs).

JLR communicates the standards expected of its suppliers through a variety of mechanisms including: supplier conferences; Achilles (a supply chain management platform); Covisint (a global supplier portal); direct buyer interactions; emails to suppliers; and via the JLR Corporate website. The importance of addressing the risk of slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains was reiterated to key JLR suppliers at our supplier conference in May 2016.


It also mentions general expectations.

--lisamuedo.....2016-11-03 16:46:10 UTC