pg. 7
"In the event a supplier is unwilling to meet the minimum standards or unwilling to implement required improvements within mutually specified timeframes, the contractual arrangements between the division and the supplier may be suspended or terminated."
pg. 22
"Where a minor, major or reportable non-conformance is identified, the divisions work with the supplier to remediate, through proportionate corrective action plans which address the specific needs of that situation. "
pg. 23
“When remediating a non-conformance, the divisions seek to work in partnership with their suppliers. The nature of the response depends on the severity of harm (or potential harm) to the worker, arising from the non-conformance. The divisions may develop a corrective action plan (or remediation plan) with recommended activities which may include immediate rectification of identified issues, targeted capacity building or training, a review of production processes or purchasing practices, or involvement in industry-based initiatives.”
“− Developing a corrective action plan which may include measures like ensuring employment contracts are written in the language of the worker, maintaining responsible recruitment practices, implementing grievance mechanisms and ensuring workers retain their identity documents”
“Where a reportable beach is identified, it is very rare for a supplier or supplier site to be exited. Our preference is to support remediation, improving the conditions for workers. However, if the supplier is not willing or able to address a reportable breach within an agreed timeframe, or the breach is considered a severe breach of policy (such as bribery or unauthorised subcontracting), the division may decide to no longer place orders with that supplier and the supplier may be exited.”
pg. 24
“To support remediation, Bunnings partnered the factory management team with third-party in-country ethical sourcing experts to deliver an on-site improvement program. Together, the management team and experts identified the root-causes of the problem and implemented the following long-term rostering and production solutions:
− Workforce management – including planning, hiring, training and a grievance mechanism
− Production scheduling – including cadence, volumes, shipping, and hours of operation
− Cost and quality management – including for wages, benefits, recruitment, health and safety and energy consumption
− Management engagement – including communication strategies and tools.”
pg. 33
"Using this information, Officeworks team members collaborated with management to implement actions addressing worker concerns and improving overall working conditions. The actions included additional training, new machinery, extra staff and a cost-of-living comparison to ensure that wages covered basic living needs."