Walk Free+MSA incidents remediation (revised)+Visa+2016+Discussion

"Our Global Sourcing department supports the Visa organization by identifying the best-qualified suppliers, negotiating contracts to obtain best value for the service commitments we require, and partnering with our 2 business teams to help manage supplier risk. The Global Sourcing team will also be responsible for implementing, assessing and enforcing compliance with the forthcoming supplier code of conduct as part of a new supplier performance management process. During FY16 we began integrating our European and Global Sourcing operations.

In support of the rollout of a new supplier performance management program, Visa Global Sourcing staff will receive training on the expectations set out in the supplier code of conduct. Global Sourcing staff also participate in standard Visa staff training on the Employee Code of Conduct and Business Ethics."

Adele B.....2017-04-23 03:00:52 UTC

Pg. 2-3

Laureen van Breen.....2017-06-26 13:45:19 UTC

Our Global Sourcing department supports the Visa organization by identifying the best-qualified suppliers, negotiating contracts to obtain best value for the service commitments we require, and partnering with our

3business teams to help manage supplier risk. The Global Sourcing team will also be responsible forimplementing, assessingandenforcing compliance with the forthcoming supplier code of conductas part of a newsupplier performance management process.During FY16 we began integrating our European and Global Sourcing operations. In supportof the rollout of a new supplier performance managementprogram, Visa Global Sourcing staff will receivetraining on the expectations set out in the supplier code of conduct. Global Sourcing staff also participate in standard Visa staff training on the Employee Code of Conductand Business Ethics.3

Gabby.....2021-04-30 05:43:19 UTC