Question: In the modern slavery statement, does the company explain one or more of the corrective steps it has taken (or would take) in response to modern slavery incidents in their operations and/or supply chain?
Walk Free
Verified by Steward check_circle

Supplier Verification and Audits

Hershey reserves the right to monitor, review and verify supplier compliance with the principles set forth in the Supplier Code of Conduct, either through third-party certifications or a responsible sourcing audit, which may be performed by a third party.

In the event the company becomes aware of non-compliance, we maintain the right to set forth corrective actions and/or terminate our business relationship with the supplier.

Gabby.....2022-07-01 06:26:10 UTC

"reserve the right" not definitive

Gabby.....2022-07-01 06:27:38 UTC