Question: In the modern slavery statement, does the company explain one or more of the corrective steps it has taken (or would take) in response to modern slavery incidents in their operations and/or supply chain?
Worker remediation,
Corrective action plan,
Cancel contracts
Walk Free

For details see page 13 and comment to the previous question.

Martina Carlino.....2024-03-07 22:00:52 UTC

pg 13: " Nokia made the decision to permanently block the supplier in question and any further supplier linked with the owner. For this case a remediation committee was established. "

Julia Noronha.....2024-03-15 04:39:49 UTC


"Increasing supply chain transparency

As a global company with operations all around the world, it is our policy to aim for increased transparency in all areas of sustainability reporting. In March 2023 we published our People & Planet sustainability report, in which we again included several case examples of non-compliance in supply chain audits, and the actions taken to resolve those findings."

"We also uncovered three (four in 2021) instances of non-conformity related to child labor avoidance. Cases included a missing child labor policy or missing identity cards which meant that the auditor could not immediately verify the worker’s identity card. The suppliers took corrective actions by first developing a policy which also ensures worker files include a checklist requiring a copy of the identity card."

"Nokia made the decision to permanently block the supplier in question and any future supplier linked with the owner. For this case a remediation committee was established. As we could not conduct mitigation directly, we took a broader approach to help address one of the root causes for children and young people reaching the informal labor market. This root cause relates to dropping out of the formal education system. We have agreed a two-year program in The Philippines with an NGO partner that aims to strengthen alternative learning systems and ensure that young people complete an educational qualification."

Pooja Yadav.....2024-04-04 14:56:01 UTC

pg. 13

"In April 2022, Nokia was notified, by a former business partner and employee of a supplier, of an alleged use of child labor and unsafe working practices by a subcontractor supplying services for a project between May and August 2021 in The Philippines. Nokia initiated its investigation process and immediately suspended the supplier from any further projects"

Manali Rana.....2024-04-12 13:01:12 UTC