Question: In the modern slavery statement, does the company explain one or more of the corrective steps it has taken (or would take) in response to modern slavery incidents in their operations and/or supply chain?
Corrective action plan,
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p. 3 under "steps taken to manage the ongoing risk in our supply chains"

Hope French.....2022-11-10 17:18:29 UTC

pg. 2

“Where a supplier falls short of our required labour standards, we seek to agree to a corrective action plan to allow the supplier to remedy areas of non-compliance. Materials are gathered to support statements made to us and a follow-up site visit may be undertaken. We expect our suppliers to engage with us constructively and responsibly but if a supplier is not willing or able to demonstrate compliance, our supply and procurement teams are empowered to end negotiations with that supplier.”

pg. 3

“As mentioned above, we ask suppliers to affirm they can meet the standards in our Code of Conduct for Suppliers prior to contracting with them. That statement is supported by an undertaking in the relevant supply agreement that if breached may result in termination of the contract.”

Manali Rana.....2023-03-17 12:32:20 UTC