Question: In the modern slavery statement, does the company explain one or more of the corrective steps it has taken (or would take) in response to modern slavery incidents in their operations and/or supply chain?
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KAZ Minerals plc
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The Group’s Code of Fair Employment sets out the standards it expects to be upheld in relation to its own employees and the employees ofsuppliers or contractors to the Group. It prohibits any involvement in human trafficking of any form and includes clauses prohibiting any forced,involuntary, bonded, indentured or child labour, the retention of passports or identification documents, the taking of deposits, restrictions onfreedom of movement and the charging of recruitment fees to workers.2

Gabby.....2021-05-07 05:32:48 UTC

All suppliers are required to comply with the Group’s policies upon entering into a contract with the Group and to commit to upholding thestandards set out in the Suppliers’ Charter and the Code of Fair Employment. Any negative outcome from due diligence undertaken, any breachesof the Suppliers’ Charter or Code of Fair Employment, or a refusal to confirm compliance with the policies, could result in the termination of theGroup’s contract with that supplier and/or the exclusion of the contractor from working with the Group in the future.2

Gabby.....2021-05-07 05:32:59 UTC