Question: In the modern slavery statement, does the company explain one or more of the corrective steps it has taken (or would take) in response to modern slavery incidents in their operations and/or supply chain?
Worker remediation,
Corrective action plan,
Senior management,
Cancel contracts
Walk Free
Verified by Community check_circle

Page 10, "In some instances, where we identify specific risks or an opportunity to have a significant impact, we may engage suppliers deeper in our supply chain, with the support of our direct suppliers, though this approach may have limitations based on our relationships with individual suppliers. As noted above, we require our direct suppliers to communicate the requirements of HPE’s Supplier Code of Conduct to the next tier of suppliers and to monitor those suppliers’ conformance with these requirements.

Supplier Verification: Auditing, Monitoring, and Remediation"


Page 17, "As noted in the section above, this year we targeted several capability-building efforts to meet the particular needs and issues we had identified." "amplify worker voice, and secure commitments to maintaining such a program."


Page 5 "We have taken steps, in consultation with our suppliers, to review and understand risks to workers in our supply chain, to identify the most vulnerable worker populations, and to help suppliers protect workers and strengthen their resiliency to a crisis, including the current COVID-19 pandemic."


Page 7 "We respond to allegations promptly and conduct investigations when appropriate. Violations of the SBC or other HPE policies may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination."


Page 8 ". Accordingly, as a first step, we work with our suppliers and partners to improve labor conditions, in the interest of workers. But persistent violations may result in action, up to and including termination of a business relationship."


Melissa Lederle.....2024-03-06 09:16:43 UTC