Walk Free+MSA incidents remediation (revised)+HBI Holdings Australasia Pty Ltd+2020+Discussion

Hanesbrand Inc. will terminate any business relationships if instances of child labor, forced labor, wage violations, serious health and safety violations sexual or physical harassment or abuse, rejection of an audit, unauthorized subcontracting, or attempted bribery of an auditor occur (page 15). Hanesbrand Inc. places the lowest scoring suppliers in the GCC audit on their Alarm Report and flag them for zero-tolerance issues which need immediate action (page 17).

Sophia Carellas.....2021-11-09 16:41:16 UTC

Handsbrand Inc. has dedicated corporate social responsibility (CSR) staff using specialised software to track their suppliers using a point system to see any violations of their Modern Slavery Statement. At the beginning of 2020, "Hanesbrands group refused to initially enter or terminated its relationship with 57 facilities," (page 17) because those facilities violated one or more of the 'zero-tolerance violations.' The data collected will help the CSR staff focus on which facilities need the remedial action plans. (page 17)

Angela Ramirez.....2021-12-12 07:42:47 UTC

pg. 17

"Embedded within the Hanesbrands group regional operations is a dedicated team of internal corporate social responsibility/ compliance (CSR) staff who ensure strong oversight of the GSS program and the corrective action process. Our CSR teams visit facilities on an unannounced basis to confirm adherence to corrective action requirements."


"In 2020, the Hanesbrands group refused to initially enter or terminated its relationship with 57 facilities. Facilities that are “disapproved” for zero-tolerance or other violations not remediated in a timely manner are noted on a company wide “Disapproved List” that is routed to members of our senior management and sourcing teams. Such facilities remain “disapproved” for a minimum of one year."

Singh Anjali.....2021-12-13 17:22:47 UTC