Question: In the modern slavery statement, does the company explain one or more of the corrective steps it has taken (or would take) in response to modern slavery incidents in their operations and/or supply chain?
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Should any instances of non-compliance with the Act arise in relation to any of our suppliers then this will be reviewed and appropriate action taken.

Olivia Haas.....2018-10-29 00:49:40 UTC

Not specific about what "appropriate action" is

Olivia Haas.....2018-10-30 16:51:27 UTC

"As a result of this review, several suppliers have been flagged as potentially being high risk (where, for example, their production facilities are located off-shore) and we will be requesting additional steps from them" no specific steps

Kelsey Orr.....2018-10-30 19:54:33 UTC

Our values apply equally to all companies across the Group and are set out in our Business Code of Conduct whichour suppliers are required to comply with. Our Business Code of Conduct sets out our policy on employees,legislation, child labour, conditions of employment, wages and benefits, health and safety, the environment andmodern slavery and human trafficking.1

Brittany Quy.....2021-04-28 07:01:43 UTC

Where clear non-compliance withour processes by suppliers has been identified, we have terminated a small number of contracts.1

Brittany Quy.....2021-04-28 07:02:13 UTC