Question: In the modern slavery statement, does the company explain one or more of the corrective steps it has taken (or would take) in response to modern slavery incidents in their operations and/or supply chain?
Corrective action plan,
Cancel contracts
Walk Free
Flex Ltd

"Suppliers who present some risk of forced labor or underage labor are immediately required to present remediation plans, which are closely monitored. Failure to complete those plans and eliminate the risk may result in TERMINATION of the relationship. If deficiencies are found during an audit, Flex formally requests the supplier to develop and submit a Corrective Action Plan (CAP). It is expected that suppliers correct and improve their areas of deficiency within 90 days of the audit. The CAP should outline how the supplier will resolve the issue(s) following an 8D problem-solving methodology, addressing containment, root-cause analysis, correction and preventive action as well as assignment of action owners and timeline for completion." (p. 6)

Linda Obsilova.....2024-02-18 15:24:43 UTC

pg. 7

"Flex monitors, reviews and reports on compliance with these requirements using a Corrective Action tracker to initiate the request, track response times, and report on response status and outstanding supplier deficiencies."

Manali Rana.....2024-04-12 11:57:46 UTC