Question: In the modern slavery statement, does the company explain one or more of the corrective steps it has taken (or would take) in response to modern slavery incidents in their operations and/or supply chain?
Walk Free
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With that in mind we look forwards to the next 12 months and outline the below focus points to work towards across our business:

•Raising awareness within our internal UK sites through interactive training days, and inclusion within the introduction packs of all new employees.

•100% of our UK GSNFR providers to be covered by our 3rdparty modern slavery questionnaire.

•Extending our values and good practices further beyond our supply chain, into our supplier's own supply chains, with our business partners taking ownership of this.

•Continuous analysis and follow up, based on our extensive data collection methods within our supply chain in order to implement real changes

.•Increasing our collaboration with forward thinking businesses and our existing stakeholders so that we constantly learn and improve.

Jivan Walia.....2020-10-21 14:08:08 UTC