Walk Free+MSA incidents remediation (revised)+Colgate-Palmolive Company+2016+Discussion

Page 5, "Colgate is committed to work with our suppliers to implement corrective actions, however where suppliers do not take appropriate and timely corrective actions we have terminated the business relationship."

Olivia Catesby.....2020-10-13 15:10:23 UTC

If any areas of noncompliance are detected, a corrective action plan is developed. We then work with the supplier to ensure these findings are promptly remedied and the closure of all such areas of noncompliance areindependently verified.4

Gabby.....2021-05-03 07:26:03 UTC

Suppliers who are unable or unwilling to meet our time-bound requirements will be subject to nonrenewal or termination of contracts.4

Gabby.....2021-05-03 07:26:26 UTC

Through the SRSA program, Colgate has identified critical issues which when identified during an assessment or audit would trigger the need for immediate supplier corrective action. Examples of critical social issues include child labor, forced labor, locked emergency exits and othersafety situations that may beimmediately dangerous to worker life and health.Colgate is committed to work with our suppliers to implement corrective actions, however where suppliers do not take appropriate and timely corrective actions we have terminated the business relationship.5

Gabby.....2021-05-03 07:27:14 UTC

Colgate is committed to work with our suppliers to implement corrective actions, however where suppliers do not take appropriate and timely corrective actions we have terminated the business relationship.5

Gabby.....2021-05-03 07:27:36 UTC