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With respect to our operations, all reports of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation are promptly and thoroughly investigated. If appropriate, immediate corrective action is taken. In the event that our supplier onboarding process and/or due diligence process identifies a potential or existing vendor suspected of engaging in modern slavery practices, our dedicated team of security, legal, and procurement professionals would investigate, engage with the vendor as needed, notify key stakeholders, and determine the appropriate remedial measures. Such measures may include deciding against entering into an agreement with the vendor, working with the vendor to address the identified risks, or terminating an existing agreement. In the event that an actual or potential incident of modern slavery in our operations or supply chains is reported through Bridgewater’s anonymous tips program, the Chief Compliance Officer would be notified, triggering an investigation of the incident. In either case, remedial measures may be triangulated with outside counsel and other third-party advisors prior to implementation. As of the date of this report, Bridgewater has begun working with external counsel to design a formal remediation policy for modern slavery incidents as a part of a broader project to develop a comprehensive Vendor Code of Conduct.”