Question: In the modern slavery statement, does the company explain one or more of the corrective steps it has taken (or would take) in response to modern slavery incidents in their operations and/or supply chain?
Worker remediation,
Corrective action plan
Walk Free

Page 14: "if an instance of forced or child labour is found, it is dealt with through appropriate corrective action."

Page 13: "For suppliers with fair and critical gradings we provide training to help them improve their performance. We also conduct regular meetings with suppliers as required to help suppliers understand how and why they need to remediate. "


Nikki Wade.....2022-12-08 12:24:39 UTC

Although the company does not explicitly state that it supports the supplier in the Corrective Action Plan. However, it does track improvements made against the CAP. Therefore, we can consider that the company supports the supplier in developing a CAP to respond to MS.

Pg. 10


Track improvements made against corrective action plans. Rewarding suppliers who show commitment and taking action with those consistently not meeting standards.”

pg. 12

“The Group takes breaches of its Code of Conduct seriously as exemplified by a recent incident. In July 2021, it was reported to the Group that while there was evidence garment workers were officially being paid minimum wage and statutory entitlements, an on-site manager was demanding a cash refund of a portion of the wages at a supplier site.

An investigation was undertaken by the Group’s compliance team, Hope for Justice, and Slave Free Alliance to support the supplier in remediating the position of workers that had been forced to hand cash back to the on-site manager”

Pg. 13

“Case Study: In-Country Risk Turkey

In Turkey, the Group’s in-country sourcing and ethical team, conducts factory spot checks and site visits in addition to engaging with suppliers to help them understand the vulnerability of migrant workers and the severity of the issue through training and guidance. The Group’s in-country team also helps direct suppliers to NGOs for further support.

The Group is committed to upholding human rights of the people who produce its garments and will be identifying NGOs to work with in the upcoming year to further support in addressing these challenges.”

Manali Rana.....2023-01-23 07:55:54 UTC