Question: In the modern slavery statement, does the company explain one or more of the corrective steps it has taken (or would take) in response to modern slavery incidents in their operations and/or supply chain?
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The company vaguely explains the steps it would take in response to modern slavery incidents in their supply chain in the top two paragraphs of page 3 of the MSA.

It considers compliance with minimum standards (i.e. no forced labour) "to be an essential part of its contractual relationship" and asserts that "serious violations of standards constitute grounds for the extraordinary termination of all contractual relationships."

Prior to termination, they state they will "warn the supplier of the violation and set a dedline for remedial action" indicating informing senior management and corrective action plans.

I am not able to edit this to allow for corrective action plans to be checked, but I believe it should be for reasons stated in comment 1.

Emma Shirato Almon.....2019-11-25 01:08:59 UTC

Additionally, their statement calls for "random analysis", documentation, and discussions with their suppliers. pg. 3

Fariha Wasti.....2019-11-25 02:51:50 UTC

Accordingly serious violations of the standards in this agreement by a supplier constitute grounds for the extraordinary termination of all contractual relationships with that supplier.3

Elly Williams.....2021-05-07 06:32:02 UTC