Question: In the modern slavery statement, does the company explain one or more of the corrective steps it has taken (or would take) in response to modern slavery incidents in their operations and/or supply chain?
Worker remediation,
Corrective action plan,
Senior management,
Cancel contracts
Walk Free


"Additionally, in 2018 A&F Co. signed the new AAFA and FLA Commitment to Responsible Recruitment and resigned their updated commitment in early 2023, This states that we commit to work with our global supply chain partners to create conditions so that: no worker pays for their job, workers retain control of their travel documents and have full freedom of movement, and all workers are informed of the basic terms of their employment before leaving home and workers receive a timely refund of fees and costs paid to obtain or maintain their job.”

"As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk, employees who witness suspicious behavior within the business, or in our supply chains, are trained to reach out to their manager, Human Resources representative, or the Company’s Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer or Legal department."

"If any labor issues are uncovered during an audit, the factory must take immediate steps to correct the problem. This begins with creating and submitting a corrective action plan within 14-30 days. The vendor then comes under Company conservatorship to ensure there are no recurrences, which requires the factory to be prepared with photographic evidence and regular updates on the corrective measures taken."

"During the life of the partnership, the factory not only receives audits as described above, but product is inspected for compliance with our regulatory and quality standards. If any factory should fail on any of these indicators and/or refuse to make improvements, the relationship could be terminated."

Pooja Yadav.....2024-06-06 15:22:14 UTC