Question: Did the company identify any specific incidents related to modern slavery that require(d) remediation?
Wages and benefits,
Working conditions
Walk Free
MSA incidents identified
Verified by Steward check_circle

pg. 11

"In one case a cleaning supplier returned a total of $2,345 NZD of underpayments to 14 workers due to pay miscalculations. Remediation has occurred with all current employees and the company is working to remediate a further $1,203 NZD with 17 former employees."

pg. 15

"In China, two issues were identified relating to the production or storage areas connecting directly to the worker dormitories, which is a breach of local regulation and poses a fire safety risk. "

"The two cases in South Africa related to indirect workers at one supplier site either being paid below the minimum wage or having wages deducted for disciplinary measures."

pg. 27

"Of these, four cases were received through Supplier Speak Up from workers in our logistics supply chain, including:

A complaint made by a labour hire worker alleging that unachievable performance targets were compromising the safety of workers at a distribution centre."

"Three complaints from workers in our transport supply chain alleging underpayment of subcontractors and their workers, ineffective safety practices and procedures for drivers, and poor treatment of subcontracted workers."

"We also assisted with four additional complaints that were raised from workers in the apparel supply chain through external partner mechanisms of ACT and the Accord. Two complaints related to the non-payment of wages and other entitlements at termination.

The other two complaints were wage-related and were raised by the local union representatives at two factories in Bangladesh. "

Manali Rana.....2022-12-29 12:34:31 UTC