Question: Did the company identify any specific incidents related to modern slavery that require(d) remediation?
Wages and benefits,
Working Hours,
Working conditions
Walk Free
MSA incidents identified

Yes, throughout the report there are case studies. For example, on page 11 the case study of Remediation of Blackwoods is described. It reads, "Throughout the year, 73 per cent of non-conformances identified

within the Blackwoods ethical audit program were remediated.

The outstanding identified non-conformances are on a path to

remediation, with commitments given by their supplier partners.

The most common non-conformances identified were related to

health, safety and hygiene, working hours and wages."

Alexandra kapell.....2021-11-08 15:05:15 UTC

pg. 9


Forced labour Wesfarmers’ divisions continue to identify best practice opportunities and ways to further engage, identify and remediate the instances of modern slavery within their operations and supply chains.

During the year, Bunnings, Kmart Group, Officeworks, Blackwoods and Workwear Group engaged an ethical consultancy firm to support each business to refine their approach to identification and awareness of forced labour and to deepen their understanding of the ILO’s 11 Indicators of Forced Labour. The approach focused on three key areas:

– Review of supplier pre-qualification processes: each business’ supplier pre-qualification approach was reviewed leading to more robust processes being incorporated into the existing framework. This included more nuanced forced labour questions and new, improved tools to support observation during visits to supplier sites.

– Forced labour training: forced labour awareness training was delivered to key team members, including in-country sourcing teams outside of Australia. As a result of this work, divisional teams gained a deeper understanding of the forced labour indices and strengthened their approach to tackling forced labour within the supply chain.

– Modern slavery remediation review: a modern slavery remediation review was undertaken for Bunnings, Kmart Group and Blackwoods’ approach to remediation, taking account of best practice and incorporates the ILO’s 11 Indicators of Forced Labour.

Bunnings, Kmart Group, Officeworks, Blackwoods and Workwear Group will continue their work on strengthening their approach to identifying forced labour with the ethical consultancy firm in the 2022 financial year."

Singh Anjali.....2021-12-06 14:32:49 UTC

pg. 12


Bunnings approach to remediation

In accordance with the UNGPs, Bunnings works collaboratively with suppliers and manufacturers to remediate issues and instances of non-conformance.

Bunnings focused on remediating issues identified through third-party audits and concerns raised by workers through the Bunnings’ Speak Up program.

In the 2021 financial year, 138 manufacturing sites remediated more than 1,300 non-conformances identified via third-party audits. This improved working conditions for more than 50,000 workers in 15 countries. The most common types of remediated issues related to worker health and safety, wages and working hours.

To enable access to remediation outside the standard audit cadence, Bunnings’ Speak Up program also allows workers to anonymously raise concerns in real time. In the 2021 financial year, the Speak Up trial was rolled out to 119 manufacturing sites, providing access to remedy for more than 20,000 supply chain workers.

Bunnings’ Ethical Sourcing Program is regularly reviewed in response to emerging human rights and modern slavery risks. During the financial year, Bunnings’ Modern Slavery Remediation Requirements were revised to include the ILO’s 11 Indicators of Forced Labour. The requirements outline basic preventative measures suppliers should take to minimise this risk as well as remediation actions, should a case of forced labour be identified. The 11 indicators represent the most common signs or audit findings that point to the existence of forced labour.

In line with the UNGPs, Bunnings also recognises the importance of preventative initiatives, such as supplier capacity building. In the financial year, Bunnings delivered free e-learning working hours training to 95 suppliers and transparency and ethics training to 215 suppliers. The training is targeted to factory managers and outlines practical guidance to ensure Bunnings’ standards are understood and upheld throughout the supply chain."

Singh Anjali.....2021-12-06 14:34:13 UTC

Data copied from Wesfarmers Limited for 2021