Question: Did the company identify any specific incidents related to modern slavery that require(d) remediation?
Working conditions,
Other incidents
Walk Free
MSA incidents identified
Verified by Steward check_circle

page 20 - Philippines

Maggie Rogers.....2023-11-03 19:04:52 UTC

Pg 25

Total non-compliance concerns raised

2021 - 2475

2022 - 2516

Total cases substantiated

2021 -580

2022 -578

Total cases closed

2021 - 1944

2022 - 1758


relevant Categories:

Labour practice 272 cases (69 subsantiated)

Unfair treatment 368 cases (26 substantiated)

Violence and discrimination 86 cases (16 substantiated)

Tess.....2024-08-16 12:22:34 UTC

For Modern Slavery (Human rights (child labour, forced labour and modern slavery risks) - 16 grievances received but none were substantiated.

Aureliane.....2024-08-22 14:23:17 UTC