Question: Did the company identify any specific incidents related to modern slavery that require(d) remediation?
Walk Free
MSA incidents identified

Page 6-7, "We have taken targeted steps to enhance protection for particularly vulnerable groups that are at heightened risk of exploitation. Our differentiated approach focuses on addressing risks related to migrant workers worldwide, especially in high-risk Asian countries, and student and dispatch workers in China. In both instances, our approach has been to:

• Map and identify the key risks related to how workers are recruited and employed;

• Engage stakeholders to identify vulnerable groups;

• Develop specialized supplier standards, as referenced in the “Policies” section above—in addition to our Supplier Code of Conduct—to address key risk areas;

• Conduct supplier training and education on the standards and best practices for employing these workers;

• Develop specialized assessment tools—in addition to our standard social compliance audit—and carry out in-depth assessments for supplier sites employing these vulnerable workers (e.g., HPE’s migrant worker assessment);

• Collaborate with our suppliers, peers, competitors, and other stakeholders on best practices, raising industry standards, and disrupting the environment that allows for modern slavery to persist (e.g., RBA’s Standard for the Investigation and Repayment of Fees to Workers); and

• Engage HPE leadership in promoting our standards and approach to modern slavery, both internally (e.g., awareness building and sponsorship for employee volunteer opportunities to support modern slavery initiatives) and globally.

Through progressive improvements over a period of years, we have built and maintained an approach that addresses not only our supply chain generally, but also these particularly vulnerable groups. We strive to refine our policies, actions and disclosure to reflect such improvements. Every year we review our approach to supply chain responsibility, which includes incorporating new metrics, where appropriate, to measure and internally report our SER program’s effectiveness. In 2022, we updated our commitments and approach"

Melissa Lederle.....2024-03-06 09:01:23 UTC