Question: Did the company identify any specific incidents related to modern slavery that require(d) remediation?
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Study undertaken, however, did not identify any incidents of modern slavery. The 2022 statement also includes a general description of "occasional issues which could be symptoms of modern slavery." (Pg. 5)


"We took a “test and learn” approach to deeper supply chain assessments and piloted a trial in Turkey to construct a lower level audit methodology focused on investigating further into our Tier 2 supply chain, where the risk of modern slavery naturally increases. Interestingly, after conducting the assessments, we did not find any signs of modern slavery but did recognise that below Tier 1, the factories are much more transient. These units are typically small - under 25 workers in some cases, work in shared buildings and are typically less compliant with our code of conduct than Tier 1 factories." (Pg. 5)


"As referred to in our last report, we continue to identify occasional issues that could be symptoms of modern slavery, including charges for uniforms, late payment of wages and benefits and excessive overtime. In these instances, we always investigate deeply to understand the specific issue and work with the supplier and factory to remediate as quickly as possible to address both the symptom and the root cause." (Pg. 5)

Max Tranter.....2022-12-09 23:33:45 UTC

No reported.

Pg. 5

“In the last year we have not had any cases of factories that were exited as a result of failure to engage with our programme and our suppliers and factories have been very cooperative in resolving any issues discovered.”

Manali Rana.....2023-01-27 17:51:13 UTC