Question: Did the company identify any specific incidents related to modern slavery that require(d) remediation?
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MSA incidents identified
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page 7 "There were two findings during 2022 under the category “Under-age Labor, Forced Labor/ Modern Slavery” classified as major."

Rakchanok Chatjan.....2024-03-09 15:36:18 UTC

on remediation: "Ericsson continues to work with the supplier to address the findings and to review all relevant documents. The engagement will include a review of the circumstances surrounding the denial of access to information."

Julia Noronha.....2024-03-20 08:16:14 UTC

Further down it is explained that there was no potential case of forced labour and that the findings were based on denial to access documents:


p.7: There were two findings during 2022 under the category “Under-age Labor, Forced Labor/ Modern Slavery” classified as major. They were logged for a single site during the same audit. The findings were a result of denied access to records and other information needed to conduct the audit and verify compliance. While the findings were defined as major, the findings concern an information gap and no confirmed cases of modern slavery were identified.

Aureliane.....2024-03-22 12:22:56 UTC