Question: Did the company identify any specific incidents related to modern slavery that require(d) remediation?
Wages and benefits
Walk Free
MSA incidents identified
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pg. 9

“UK – working with community organisations and trade unions to empower workers Reports about garment industry worker exploitation in Leicester have persisted for several years. A recent report by the Nottingham Rights 2022 Lab highlighted that this is partly due to workers’ financial precarity and insufficient multi-agency collaboration at a local level.”

Pg. 13

“During unannounced audits in China between July – Aug 2021, seven children aged between 5 and 10 were observed playing on the production floor while their parents were working nearby in three factories.”

Manali Rana.....2023-01-21 11:09:20 UTC

'In 2021, we identified a breach of our Code of Conduct with workers underpaid the legal minimum wage since April 2020 in Karnataka, India; this was part of a widespread and much-reported issue in the province. We worked with our supply chain partners in Karnataka to ensure all outstanding arrears have been paid to the workers.' - 14

'We identified a further breach in Sri Lanka in 2020, where part of the wages due to workers had not been paid as a result of Covid-19. In 2021, we worked with our suppliers and factories to ensure there were no outstanding arrears and have now confirmed that 100% of wages have been paid. This has now also become a minimum requirement for any new factory to be onboarded.' - 14

Peter Wallace.....2023-01-27 01:39:34 UTC