2022 | adidas Australia Pty Ltd | MSA historic record
Does the company provide links to their modern slavery statements from previous years (either on their website or in their current statement)? *Note: When researching this metric the "Year" field should be set to the current year.
updated over 1 year ago by Peter Wallace

No answer entered at time of review.

Answer: No


I cannot find a link to the current or previous statements on https://www.adidas.com.au/ or with respect to the previous statement within the current statement itself.

On the adidas group corporate page https://www.adidas-group.com/en/sustainability/social-impacts/human-rights/ contains download links to the current and previous UK Modern Slavery Act statements with respect to adidas (UK) Limited but not the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 or adidas Australia Pty Ltd.

I cannot find any such page through the search function on either the Australian or group webpage.

Peter Wallace.....2022-12-07 05:31:14 UTC