Walk Free+MSA Workers Engagement+Hewlett Packard Enterprise+2022+Discussion

Page 7 "HPE's third-party-managed hotline offers uninterrupted access, anonymity, and translation services to make it easy for any person, including suppliers’ workers and those workers further down the supply chain, to raise a concern or complaint. We promote the hotline on our public-facing website, during interviews with workers, and in some instances, through informational posters placed in our facilities and offices where employees and workers can frequently view the information."

Melissa Lederle.....2024-03-06 09:25:39 UTC

The above is about grievance mechanism not worker engagement. But on page 8:


"We work to identify emerging risks in our supply chain at global, regional, and local levels. We analyze information from our supplier monitoring program, worker engagement, extensive stakeholder network, and other external sources to look for , and address risks proactively."

Abigail Munroe.....2024-04-23 10:51:31 UTC